  • 2024年8月27日
  • 5分钟阅读


One in Three Americans Are Driving Even More Than Five Years Ago, Regardless of Remote Work & 可持续发展趋势
* found that Gen Z** (47%) 和 millennials (41%) estimate they are driving even more than five years ago, 相比之下,X一代(33%)和婴儿潮一代(16%). 尽管几代人似乎并不总是意见一致, 交通选择也比以往任何时候都更加丰富, a privately owned vehicle is generally prized for offering more “personal freedom” 和 “control” versus other forms of transportation.


\r\n事实上, an overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed (73%) expect privately owned vehicles to remain their top choice of transportation 10 years from now.


\r\n"As we look toward the future, it’s important for us to stay informed about consumer perspectives on the current state of mobility," Enterprise Mobility Executive Vice President of Global Operations Will Withington said. "This survey represents a snapshot of how the public views a range of mobility trends, which helps us stay better informed as we work to develop 和 provide 移动解决方案 for our customers both today 和 in the future."




\r\n关于自动驾驶汽车(AVs)的讨论已经持续多年, 41%的美国人对这项新技术感到兴奋, as it could have the potential to “make travel easier for people who can’t or won’t drive” (50% of those excited) 和 “gives people time to do other things in a car besides driving” (40% of those excited).


\r\n然而,这种兴奋被今天的一个主要障碍所冲淡:控制感. Nearly three quarters of respondents (72%) prefer to be in control of the car they’re driving (or riding in).


\r\n"Although there is some initial skepticism around AVs, we see that many consumers change their minds about the technology once they get a chance to experience it," Withington said. "As a global mobility leader, 我们正在积极研究和测试新技术, listening to preferences 和 concerns 和 working to better underst和 how all of this might impact the future of mobility."




\r\n电动汽车(ev)正变得越来越主流, 和 four in 10 Americans would consider driving a fully electric vehicle in the future. The primary motivating factors for driving an EV are fuel cost savings (44%) 和 a positive environmental impact (34%). 然而, 由于成本问题,电动汽车的可行性仍然存在疑问, 充电基础设施不足和环境影响. Enterprise Mobility’s survey data shows that nearly seven in 10 (68%) believe the U.S. does not currently have the proper infrastructure in place to support widespread EV adoption 和 the related range anxiety is the top deterrent from driving an EV.


\r\n"EV infrastructure looks vastly different across the U.S., 和 the reality is that current charging infrastructure in most regions does not meet the needs of drivers, 关于可用性, 效率, 可靠性和便利性," Withington said. "We recognize the tremendous potential of EVs, 和 we’re actively working with our teams 和 industry partners to put our customers at the center of everything we do. Our aim is to ensure our operations 和 the surrounding infrastructure can provide a positive experience 和 better support equitable access to the technology."




\r\nMany of those surveyed cite room for improvement on their daily commute as 45% of U.S. respondents agree their commute would improve if it cost less money 和 another 28% say it would improve if it caused less stress.


\r\n有趣的是, 然而, while a wide range of alternative transportation solutions exist to solve these commuting challenges — including car sharing 和 中型客运共乘 — nearly a quarter of respondents (22%) say they have not heard of some or all of these services, which can be implemented by both businesses 和 consumers to help ease these pain points.


\r\n"Whether people prefer to ‘share’ a car for occasional trips to the office or they want to maximize their travel time by 中型客运共乘 with coworkers, there are a wide range of 移动解决方案 available to get them where they need to go," Withington said.


\r\nInnovation 和 consumer expectations are transforming every aspect of the mobility industry. 随着景观的不断演变, Enterprise Mobility is focused on investing in new technology 和 services to make the future of mobility easier, 更方便,更容易接近.

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You've heard the stereotypes: Gen Z is delaying drivers licenses 和 using more public transit … 和 the car as we know it is dead. 然而, 来自全球移动出行领导者Enterprise mobility的最新数据正在动摇这一信念, 这表明Z世代和千禧一代不仅对驾驶感兴趣, 但他们实际上比其他任何年龄段的人开车都多.

具体来说,是企业移动的第一个 "在移动中"BET9官方APP下载调查* found that Gen Z** (47%) 和 millennials (41%) estimate they are driving even more than five years ago, 相比之下,X一代(33%)和婴儿潮一代(16%). 尽管几代人似乎并不总是意见一致, 交通选择也比以往任何时候都更加丰富, a privately owned vehicle is generally prized for offering more “personal freedom” 和 “control” versus other forms of transportation.

事实上, an overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed (73%) expect privately owned vehicles to remain their top choice of transportation 10 years from now.

“当我们展望未来, it’s important for us to stay informed about consumer perspectives on the current state of mobility," Enterprise Mobility Executive Vice President of Global Operations Will Withington said. "This survey represents a snapshot of how the public views a range of mobility trends, which helps us stay better informed as we work to develop 和 provide 移动解决方案 for our customers both today 和 in the future."


关于自动驾驶汽车(AVs)的讨论已经持续多年, 41%的美国人对这项新技术感到兴奋, as it could have the potential to “make travel easier for people who can’t or won’t drive” (50% of those excited) 和 “gives people time to do other things in a car besides driving” (40% of those excited).

然而,这种兴奋被今天的一个主要障碍所冲淡:控制感. Nearly three quarters of respondents (72%) prefer to be in control of the car they’re driving (or riding in).

“尽管人们最初对自动驾驶汽车持怀疑态度, we see that many consumers change their minds about the technology once they get a chance to experience it,威辛顿说. “作为全球移动出行领导者, 我们正在积极研究和测试新技术, listening to preferences 和 concerns 和 working to better underst和 how all of this might impact the future of mobility."


电动汽车(ev)正变得越来越主流, 和 four in 10 Americans would consider driving a fully electric vehicle in the future. The primary motivating factors for driving an EV are fuel cost savings (44%) 和 a positive environmental impact (34%). 然而, 由于成本问题,电动汽车的可行性仍然存在疑问, 充电基础设施不足和环境影响. Enterprise Mobility’s survey data shows that nearly seven in 10 (68%) believe the U.S. does not currently have the proper infrastructure in place to support widespread EV adoption 和 the related range anxiety is the top deterrent from driving an EV.

“美国各地的电动汽车基础设施看起来大不相同.S., 和 the reality is that current charging infrastructure in most regions does not meet the needs of drivers, 关于可用性, 效率, 可靠性和便利性,威辛顿说. “我们认识到电动汽车的巨大潜力, 和 we’re actively working with our teams 和 industry partners to put our customers at the center of everything we do. Our aim is to ensure our operations 和 the surrounding infrastructure can provide a positive experience 和 better support equitable access to the technology."


Many of those surveyed cite room for improvement on their daily commute as 45% of U.S. respondents agree their commute would improve if it cost less money 和 another 28% say it would improve if it caused less stress.

有趣的是, 然而, while a wide range of alternative transportation solutions exist to solve these commuting challenges — including car sharing 和 中型客运共乘 — nearly a quarter of respondents (22%) say they have not heard of some or all of these services, which can be implemented by both businesses 和 consumers to help ease these pain points.

"Whether people prefer to ‘share’ a car for occasional trips to the office or they want to maximize their travel time by 中型客运共乘 with coworkers, there are a wide range of 移动解决方案 available to get them where they need to go,威辛顿说.

Innovation 和 consumer expectations are transforming every aspect of the mobility industry. 随着景观的不断演变, Enterprise Mobility is focused on investing in new technology 和 services to make the future of mobility easier, 更方便,更容易接近.

*BET9官方APP下载调查于1月6日在网上进行. 22-Feb. 2024年5月,在美国3000名成年人中.S. (n= 1500).K. (n=1,500). 调查对象包括Z世代(15%), 千禧年(28%), X世代(25%), 婴儿潮一代(26%)和沉默的一代(6%).

** This specific data point refers to a subset of Gen Z who were of driving age five years ago (aged 21 to 26 at the time of fielding). Elsewhere in the survey 和 press release, Gen Z refers to adult individuals aged 18 to 26.

真正的全球情报, FleishmanHillard的内部研究实践, 通过一个可选择的研究小组进行了这项研究. 在调查时,合格的参与者年满18岁. 参与者按代际分组进行分析.


企业移动是一个领先的供应商 移动解决方案 包括租车, 车队管理, 灵活车辆租赁, 车, 中型客运共乘, 车租赁, 奢侈品租赁, 零售汽车销售和车辆订购, 以及其他运输技术服务和解决方案, 让顾客的出行更便捷. 企业移动,包括其子公司、特许经营商和联属公司, 企业车队管理他管理着一支由2人组成的多样化船队.通过近900万辆汽车的综合网络,500 fully staffed neighborhood 和 airport rental locations in more than 90 countries 和 territories. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,企业移动管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.